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Titel: Revolutionary organizing in Sudan

Inhalt: In this Episode of the OTF podcast, Muzna Alhaj, a sudanese organizer will be telling you about the role of the resistance committees in Sudans resistance against the military regime. The podcast also touches on the current political situation and the history of resistance in Sudan, the role of the Resistance Committees in the ongoing Sudanese revolution, capacity building, organizing, ideology, grief, support systems and solidarity. You can find more materials on organizing and the role of actions in organizing below and in the tools section of KlimaX.online (https://klimax.online/tools/).

Sprache: English

Link: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2HU4NRG0aVDWo8mFPXtZ7B?si=HkoDXWssQFmknItuuCb3Hw