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Sinan Eden has been active with Climáximo in Portugal for years, as well as in the pan-european grassroots network Climate Justice Action. In these two articles, Sinan outlines 15 theories of change that social movements applied, in chronological order from the French Revolution until today.
As the texts are designed as a brief overview, they remain very superficial and further reading is required for better knowledge of every case. This superficiality is especially disturbing when Sinan looks at Stalinism and Maoism and reduces his reflections to whether they “worked”, disregarding any moral questions and what the ultimate political outcomes were. We’re sharing the articles in spite of these limitations, as Sinan shows how differently social movements can proceed and we find the texts an interesting and unusal contribution to the debate in the runup to the strategy conference in June.

DE// ENG// ES: Ryan della Salla und Tuk argumentieren in ihrem Beitrag für KlimaX ausgehend von ihren politischen Realitäten in queeren- und Klimagerechtigkeitskämpfen in Deutschland und Argentinien und anhand verschiedenster Bewegungsbeispiele in Deutschland und Lateinamerika für kollektive, solidarische und radikale Massenbewegungen. Im Kern ihrer strategischen Überlegungen geht es aber um das wie und warum wir zusammen Politik für eine soziale Emanzipation machen.

In this recording of a panel at the Berlin HAU theatre a number of different perspectives on the climate (justice) movement and the question how to create a climate just future are brought together. In honesty the pannelists discuss the lacking strategy of the movement and potential ways, strategies and tactics for actors to prevent climate crisis hits at its very worst.

In this video-webinar case study, the founders of the Sunrise Movement explore on their own campaign. They give us an insight to their understanding of what a campaign is, their frameworks, tools and strategies, and maybe the one or the other campaign would like to learn from their experience.

Payal Parekh explores in her blog entry how a diversity of tactics wins cases for the Climate Justice Movement. To do so she elaborates on the lower court case against Shell in the Netherlands and makes the case for innovation and building synergies.

This article centers around the question, “How do we win?”. This article argues, that what we need is a plan for building the power and size of the movement, which we currently don’t have. Direct action, considered as leading to sustainable disruption of processes, is here seen as key to successfully winning struggles.

Auf dieser Website wird der Koalitionsvertrag in den Rubriken Migrationspolitik, Aussenpolitik, Sozialpolitik, Klimapolitik, Mietenpolitik und Finanzpolitik der Ampel-Regierung zusammengefasst und aus verschiedenen Bewegungsperspektiven kritisch analysiert. Mit vielfältigen Beiträgen und Formaten wird nicht nur Realpolitik in’s Zentrum gestellt.

Payal Parekh und Carola Rackete sortieren für uns die Klimagerechtigkeitsbewegung und ordnen ein. Darauf aufbauend schlagen sie strategische Ansatzpunkte für eine Entwicklung der Klimagerechtigkeitsbewegung vor. // Payal Parekh and Carola Rackete analyze the German climate justice movement. Building on that they develop strategic approaches for a development of the movement.