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1) Spread awareness of Global South struggles
2) Advocade for the rights of refugees
3) Educate ourselves and others on historical anti-colonial and ongoing Global South struggles
4) Organize: Solidarity is joint struggle
5) Mobilize for debt cancellation and advocate for climate dept payments
6) Build bridges between the Climate Justice Movement, workers, and other movements
7) Mobilize to abandon fossil fuels and decarbonize

The author gives an insight to what its’ wish would be for white climate activists how to be good allies. You might also want to have a look at the whole decolonize issue of the magazine which assembles a variety of articles around the topic.

This podcast focuses on Black and African people dedicating their creative practices and activist work to climate justice and sustainable futures. edna bonhomme discusses the climate crisis with Rebecca Abena Kennedy-Asante from BLACK EARTH – BIPoC Environmental & Climate Justice Kollektiv Berlin, and Antoinette Yetunde Oni, an architectural designer and artist based in Lagos, Nigeria.

edna bonhomme spoke with Saadya Windauer, an activist who has studied and worked on larger issues around justice and climate activism. Together they discuss the energy and climate policies of Germany.

Nico Graack und Esteban Servat plädieren dafür, dass die Klimabewegung ihre Kämpfe darauf ausrichtet, die Zerstörung und koloniale Ausbeutung im Globalen Süden sichtbar zu machen. Das sei gelebter Antirassismus und die notwendige Dekolonisierung der Klimabewegung.