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Yellow Vests Movement – Four Years On
31. Oktober 2022 @ 18:00
🫵 Save the date! Webinar announcement!
🦺 🟡 Yellow Vests movement – 4 years on 🟡 🦺
🌀 In an increasingly tense social and political situation in Europe, learning about & from the Yellow Vests movement is what we aim at doing over the two sessions of this webinar series 👀
💛 We will count with the amazing input of three speakers who have been deeply embedded in this movement 🚧.
👁🗨 Hard facts:
⏩ 2 online webinars:
24.10, at 6pm CET
31.10, at 6pm CET
⏩ Registration here (https://www.themovementhub.org/events/yellow-vest-movement-four-years-on/) before the 16th of October.
⏩ Simultaneous translation into English and French provided.
⏩ You can only attend the second session if you have attended the first one.
🗯 What was (and still is) the Yellow Vests movement? 🥽
🤔 Hard to understand from the outside, in constant mutation, popular and powerful movement of the streets, the Yellow Vests movement started in 2018 in 🇲🇫.
⚡️ It shook the streets, those in power, as well as people’s imagination beyond the French borders 🌏.
🗯 What lessons can movements active around climate justice topics learn from the way left movements interacted with the Yellow Vests?
How can these lessons help us be better allies for social justice movements?
📣 “Going beyond the bubble” “Being an ally” “Helping create a popular uprising” are things that the climate justice movement (among others) often (at least verbally) strives for. However, many of our practices, reactions or priorities often come in the way of turning this good intention into a reality 👋. Together with our three speakers, we will try to draw lessons with the interactions between different actors around the Yellow Vests movement🪢.
Take the weeks to come to prepare some first thoughts, don’t come empty-handed! 📝
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