While the radical and extreme right in Germany was previously hardly interested in climate change, it has gained in importance in recent years for them. Within the climate policy opinion spectrum of radical and extreme right-wing actors in Germany, the camp of climate deniers has been able to assert itself: While climate change is consistently denied, climate activists are defamed and sometimes even physically attacked. At the same time, right-wingers in other parts of Europe instrumentalise climate change for their racist politics, link it to “eco-fascist” ideas or propagate a “green patriotism”.
As a result of climate change, environmental disasters are increasing, vital resources such as water and fertile soil are becoming scarce, and entire regions are turning uninhabitable. Based on this, there is the demand for the recognition of the climate crisis as a reason for migration. On the other hand, activists and migration researchers warn that social and economic factors are made invisible. At the same time, right-wing groups and parties try to instrumentalize “climate migration” for their nationalist ideology and fabricate a threat to Europe by “climate refugees”.